catching up

Dearest Lily,

It's been a little while since I wrote you a letter. Mama has been very busy lately... real life has gotten in the way of my journaling to you, but thankfully that's not such a bad thing. As I type this you are twirling around with your sister on the carpet behind me to a flute sonata; I'm hooked on Handel radio on Pandora, much to your older siblings' dismay. You don't seem to mind though- Abigail is teaching you how to dance, and you make such a pretty pair in the sunlight streaming through our big picture windows. It's easy to be thankful during this season of my life when I have that little scene playing just over my shoulder. Today truly is a new day.

And speaking of new ~ you have at least a hundred new tricks up your sleeve these days. It seems every time I turn around you're showing me something you can do that you didn't do the day before.

Take for instance your babies. You've always loved your baby dolls, and for months now you've carried them around the house, patting their backs or flinging them over your shoulder like a seasoned mother. But lately you've been particularly tuned into their personal well being, placing headbands on them, wrapping them in blankets, dressing and undressing love to try to put your own socks on their feet or drape your shirts around their necks. You're constantly combing their hair or tenderly feeding them from a baby bottle or "shushing" them to sleep. You kiss them and hug them and tuck them under your chin as you sway them back and forth. You are the sweetest little mama.

You've gotten very vocal about your needs. You yell "moh moh" and sign more when you run out of cheerios on your tray, you bang on the refrigerator door and yell "muh-muh-muh" when you want more milk, and this morning as soon as I was finished changing your diaper you determinedly cried out "ALL DONE !!"

You're a girl who knows what she wants:)

You've learned how to ham it up for a photo. All I have to do is point the camera....

... say, "Lily, smile!"

....and voila. A picture-perfect crinkly eyed grin.

You give kisses by the dozen on command. You sign please and thank you perfectly when we give you a snack or your sippy cup. You have become extremely affectionate with friends and strangers alike.... which sounds sweet, but is not always appropriate. The cashier at Old Navy looked a bit surprised when you frantically signed "please" and stretched your tiny arms out to be held. Whoever said there was an extra dose of affection in that extra chromosome definitely knew what they were talking about.

I was thinking a lot today about your first two years, dearest Lily. I loved how prolonged the baby stage was with you. I had read so much about this happening with babies with Down syndrome, and for me it was the icing on the special needs cake...I always felt like that first year flew by too fast with my other babies, but with you I was able to savor every moment and treasure every stage.

But now toddlerhood seems to have shifted things a bit... I find myself willing the days to slow down, and trying to soak up each new accomplishment and appreciate each milestone before the next one is reached. I remember being so sad when you were an infant, thinking you'd never learn to read. And now, even before words have come, you are devouring books daily, and proudly demonstrating your "reading" abilities...

And something tells me we've only just begun to see all that you'll accomplish. If these past few months of incredible development and change are any indication.....

..the best is yet to come !!


*Winners for the Saving Albina giveaway will be announced tonight !
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