better late than never

December was a great month. It truly was. I got everything done that I needed to (I think…) except mailing my sister's Christmas gifts (they are wrapped and sitting safely in a box…somewhere in my garage…sorry, Hope !!)…and giving out Christmas cards.

Somewhere around December 24th, when we got the news about our house, and the subsequent move two days later, I decided that New Years pictures are more my kind of thang.

SO many reasons for this switch from Christmas cards besides an impending move…

1) Yesterday was the very first day in over a month that I could safely coordinate 17 people's schedules and get us all in our house at the same time for a photo. This was truly a monumental task.

2) I literally eliminated all Christmas-card-related-stress, thereby removing one half of my holiday angst with this little decision to do New Years cards. I may have added a new kind of frazzlement to the first week in January, but I think it coincides well with our resolutions…to speak kindly to each other, to get along, to remember that we are Christians when gathering together in one accord to take a family photo…

…okay, maybe we all fell off the resolution bandwagon yesterday, but a few teary discussions in the bedroom afterwards, and several apologies and hugs later, we are all friends again. And still married. And that is a really good thing, when you are sending out family New Years cards…unless you want to tack on a P.S. We got divorced halfway through this photo to your card. Which I didn't really have the space for. So we made up.


3) Everyone will really look at our card when it arrives, and it won't get lost in the avalanche of Christmas cards landing in their mailboxes during December. At least I hope so. Otherwise, it will make a great dartboard for those of you who want to take out your post-holiday stress on our family voodoo style…or perhaps friends can use the back to scribble their weekly shopping list on if they've recently moved and can't find a spare piece of paper to save their life. Not that I would know….

So for those of you who won't actually get one of these in the mail (have you noticed the price of stamps has risen exponentially in the past five years?? ) please consider this my very belated Christmas card… or my very punctual New Years card… or your own personal dartboard or...  whatever you choose to view it as…  to you.

Happy 2014 !

Daha yeni Daha eski

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