
I'm on a three day Instagram break. 

I may be having some withdrawals.

I mean what do I do with great moments like these ? Keep them to myself ???

Someone help a sister out. Please leave a comment saying you like my picture and make sure to use a hashtag , okay ?

I'm kidding. 

Sort of. 

No really ...

I can quit any time I want to. 

Here's another pic... Feel free to "like" it as well. 

On a side note - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Jen Baker, Anne B., Linda Koba and Laura Womack for saving my bacon and placing a Scentsy order !!! I have 8 hours left and I need a $6 order to stay on as a Scentsy consultant - whoop whoop ! Sam has generously promised to buy something if it's 11:50 and nobody else has ordered . What a #hero.  

Oops, this isn't Instagram, is it ? #lololol 

No really, I'm not #addicted or anything. 

#pinterestanyone ??
Daha yeni Daha eski

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