ADHD Mommies Unite

Currently, I am packing a small army to go out of state for a wedding this weekend. We're road tripping it, and I am ankle deep in over 100 outfits for the whole gang. This kind of thing is not for the faint of heart, lemme tell ya. It's a four-cups-of-tea kind of a day.

So naturally, when my back is against the wall on a deadline... I am blogging. It's my little rebellious heart at work I'm sure, denying that I have five hundred billion things to do right now, and doing the least important thing instead. 

Not that y'all aren't important, but...

You know what I mean.

So here's a happy photo from our fourth ...

... Hayden actually had a wonderful day being outside, but he did not want to be taken away from his happy place (sitting in dirt) to pose for a family photo. That's my little Macie girl on the left, our youngest granddaughter, wearing Lily's first fourth of July outfit. Next to her is the birthday boy - Koa turned three on July 6th, and Naomi and Jason threw him a big party on the fourth to celebrate. Norah Jane is her happy smiling self, and then there's Lily, sporting her new Wagon HelloMoccs . And then there's Hayden. My babies and my grand babies, all together in one accord. 

Mackenzie took this picture before we left for the party ...

See that genuinely pleased look on Hayden's face ? Its because he has five rocks in his chubby little fists, ready to hurl at the camera woman. Rocks, dirt, balls, and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of, dontcha know ? And ball point pens ..

 And little sister's shoes ...

Ignore the saggy diaper, he just woke up and went straight for the shoes. He's type A like that.

One more from the fourth of July (because my brain is going in five hundred billion directions, remember ? And I'm type B personality like that. And maybe a little ADHD thrown in there as well. Blame it on my non-paleo diet.)

Photo credit to my lovely daughter, Mackenzie.

A few more pictures to reduce my packing anxiety for the day (denial is a WONDERFUL antidote to stress, seriously, you should try it sometime.) (so is chocolate.)

Let's call this little series of photos Popsicle Wars.

Season One  ...

Season Two ...

and Season Three ...

Season Four is rated R, not intended for a family blog like this.

Okay, one more picture, and then it's back to the trenches for me.

If you love those Mommy's Make-up Moccs that Lily is rockin' like a boss, head over to Hello Moccs  and snag a pair.

If only these came in my size ...

...Wonder Woman Powers - ACTIVATE !!!

Peace out.

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