sleep deprived mom blogger problems, and a book review

Before I share a few pictures from the past few weeks, I want to to tell you about a very exciting bit of news ...

My good friend, Deanna Smith, has written an incredible novel : Motherhood Unexpected. I was privileged to read this book before it even went to press, and I was captivated from page one. I've always loved Deanna's style of writing- I've been reading her blog Everything and Nothing From Essex for almost five years now. Motherhood Unexpected is both funny and moving, and it answers questions all of us ask at some point in life : how can God be good when life hits hardest ? 

Intrigued ? Here's a  little teaser from ....

All Claire wants is to be a mother, but her perfectly planned birth ends with a surprise. Forced to question everything that she has ever believed, she struggles through new motherhood. How can God still be good when nothing about this is even remotely good?
Meanwhile, Claire's teenage sister Felicity goes too far with the wrong kind of guy. Faced with a life-altering decision, she can't help but wonder, "why me?"
Julie counsels her daughters as they deal with the complications of sex, disability, broken expectations, and jealousy. However, a deeply buried secret won't leave her alone, causing her to have her own doubts.
Three women face circumstances that leave them broken and desperate. Will they find peace with the unexpected before it's too late?

Motherhood Unexpected is available on for $12.57 right now - and on kindle for half that price. If you are looking for an excellent read that digs deep into life's hardest issues, look no further. Drop what you're doing and head over to today to order your copy of Motherhood Unexpected - you won't be disappointed !


So it's now one minute until ten at night, and I am determined to get to bed on time.

I always have this list of profound things I think of during the day - things about which I think , "I need to put that in a blogpost today!" 

And then I get here and my brain goes - huh ?? 


or maybe I should say 


I'm sure I will think of all the things I wanted to say somewhere around the time my head is hitting my pillow, but for now I'll just say this :

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." 
~ C.S. Lewis

And I will add to that : enough sleeping baby photos ....

Five more photos from the camera roll on my phone, and then I'm saying good night- my pillow is calling my name ......


Sleep tight :)
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