I'm still here

... but our computer is still in the shop. So this is a drive-by blogpost from my phone :)

If you left a comment on the last few posts with your IG user name, I found you and made sure you weren't blocked... So go ahead and send a request to follow there (psalm127.5) . It was easier to post a general message here than reply on my phone to each comment ! 

This post will be a bit photo heavy - trying to catch up on a month of missing-in-action status means LOTS of pictures. They might not be in the right order either, so pretend this is one of those books or movies where they are constantly switching between the past and the present and you are constantly stopping and asking "wait whaaaa --- ?" . It will all make sense in the end.

I think.

Carry on .

.... No explanation needed .

... Hayden went on a walk with me a few weeks ago.

We love fall in Oregon :)

Life as a Lilybird is exhausting ..

A bit of Daddy worship before he leaves for work (and Hayden insisted on a matching ponytail with sissy. Don't judge - if you knew the mornings we have with this little terrorist, a man bun is the least of our worries !!) ...

A few Sundays ago ...

Tyler returned safely from Israel - he loved every minute of it ...

Lily and Hayden ask for their kitchen to be moved into the real kitchen all the time. Seriously the best $40 we ever spent on Craigslist (and it was from Pottery Barn AND it was stocked with all the kitchen utensils and pots and pans AND it came with a matching shopping cart. Praise God for Craigslist.)

Hayden fell asleep on his own in Abbi's bed the week before Thanksgiving. I thought maybe we were winning the weaning war (he always nurses to go to sleep) but alas he was the seventh member of our family to come down with strep throat last month. Not a fun experience, but we all survived and are thanking God for modern medicine !

He was so good at the doctor's office, in spite of being so sick - I had to treat him to a Starbuck's snowman cookie :)

Just a random photo of Lily sleeping ... wearing one of our favorite hair clips from Jude & Fi !

This was me and my Bunny three weeks ago....

Sunday morning posing ...

Naptime with Noah ....

The next few pics are from Jackson and Noah's last football game - they played an undefeated season under the excellent coaching of their older brothers and had a lot of fun while doing so.

Kenzie took these photos with a lens she rented for the weekend ...if anyone has an extra $2,000 lying around to buy me one for Christmas, I won't complain !! ;)

Jack on attack ...

The huddle.... and the cuddle ...

Above- Noah going for his 18th touchdown of the season.

Below - Lily the self-appointed team cheerleader !

...and Hayden, filling in wherever needed (hug dispenser, water bottle delivery boy, cell phone keeper) ...


We took these two to breakfast yesterday and you would have thought they died and went to Heaven - they each devoured a giant teddy bear pancake topped with mini chocolate chips and kept us entertained the entire meal...

We have never before taken part in the highly popular "Elf on the Shelf" game, mainly because a) I have been too cheap to splurge for $30 on a plastic toy and b) we suck at the tooth fairy thing so bad that I've been afraid to set us up for failure during the busy holiday season. I'm doing good to make sure Santa's cookies have nibbles taken out of them and that his note is not written on the back of my shopping list (why can I NEVER find a blank piece of paper and a functioning pen at one in the morning every Christmas Eve when the kids are finally all nestled safe in their beds ???!) Anyhoot, I always ditched Elf on the Shelf for those reasons and a few others, but when I saw this cute little cheap imitation guy sitting on the shelf at Michael's this Saturday, his blue eyes just seemed to bore holes into mine .... take me home, they said, and two dollars and ninety-nine cents later he was mine.

Meet Flannery .... the newest mischief maker at The Rice Ranch.

He decorated the bathroom with toilet paper this morning, and my littlest ones were so tickled to find him there...  we'll be looking for lots of fun ideas for this little scoundrel over the next few weeks, so feel free to leave your suggestion in the comment section :)

I have lots more photos to share from the past month that I've been missing (thank you to MyMy and all others who have emailed or commented to check in on us !!). I'll try post them in the next few days, but for now I will end with my 31 week baby bump shot. Baby Madison has taken over my entire body here, but after 28 years of carrying babies I am just feeling blessed and honored to do so. Saggy skin and stretch marks and depleted waistlines, heartburn and insomnia and charlie horses - it's all worth it, and I cannot WAIT to hold this beautiful girl in my arms in just a few short weeks !!!

Happy, happy December to all of you !!! xoxoxo
Daha yeni Daha eski

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