Days with Bunny

It's late Wednesday night, and there's not enough time or energy for this sleepy imommy to blog ... but I wanted to quickly post some sweet Bunny pics from the past few days before calling it a night. 

Monday morning we came back from breakfast in the hospital cafeteria to our little private room in the NICU.  We were just settling in when the neonatologist came into the room with a big smile on his face. He asked us if we wanted to go home - it took us .05 seconds to say yes - and a few hours later we were out the door and headed back to the Rice Ranch !!!!

This was Bunny's going home outfit. 

She's our last baby, she needed to go home in style :)

Everyone was quite smitten with their baby sister ...

She is such a good baby and doing so well. And I'm so enjoying having a newborn in our lives again ...

Madison is letting me know it's time to wrap up this blogpost and feed her, so I'll post three more adorable pictures from this week and call it good.

Our Grumpy Bunny ...

...and our Silly Bunny  ... 

Be back soon ...

Daha yeni Daha eski

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