Joy comes in the morning

actually already have a blog post with this title in my birth story section (listed above in the tabs) ... but the phrase is so fitting today, I had to use it again . 

Plus one of my best friends was texting me this morning and said this, and it inspired me ..

"That must be why everything seems more intense at night when going through tough situations. Sleep deprived. Must be something to 'joy comes in the morning' ."

Which is why she is one of my best friends... she's down to earth and spiritual at the same time - my kinda person :)

If you read my previous post, then you probably can guess what happened last night ....

I SLEPT !!!!!!

This is one of those moments where I wish blog music were still a "thing" because I could have had Rocky's theme song playing in the background, timed just right so that when you got to my sentence "I SLEPT" the music would have crescendod (is that how you spell it ?) right at that point and you could have pictured me typing the words and throwing up my hands in victory - DUH DUH DUH !!!!! DUH DUH DUH !!! (Please go back and read those DUH's to the tune of Rocky's theme song if you didn't in the first place . Thank you. )

And I'm aware that was totally a run-on sentence, please don't tell Mrs. Miller, my third grade teacher. Or my kids, because I'm their 4th, 6th, 7th and 10th grade teachers. Bloggers get to make up their own grammar rules, I read it somewhere. 

Anyhoot - I slept for the first time in over a month almost allllllll the way through the night and I started off at around 9 pm and made it til 7 am and only got up ONCE to use the bathroom and if you've ever been nine months pregnant you know what a miracle that is ! I don't think I've been able to fall asleep before 3 or 4 or 5 am more than once or twice in the past month, so last night was like a gift straight from heaven .

And so were all of your sweet and encouraging comments on yesterday's post. With the exception of my sarcastic brother, who will probably be making jokes beside my casket some day if he outlives me. But that's why I love him too, and he's also one of my best friends. Everyone needs a sarcastic brother in their lives. 

So today I woke up - I kid you not - a new woman. It is ah-MAY-z-zing what good sleep can do for a person. I feel better physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually too. And I even got my sense of humor back, which is something I rely on to get me through the tough seasons of life . It (my humor) may be snarky and a little off color at times, but in the words of a very famous sailor - I yam what I yam. Snarky and syrupy and sappy all rolled up into one little ... well one ginormous at the moment ... Mommy to twelve. And I'm not even feeling bad today for spilling my guts on the blog, even at the risk of sounding like Wendy Whiner ! 

I'm going to post some old photos from
our family Thanksgiving getaway here because I'm pretty sure I never did ? I'm still blogging from my phone (still haven't gotten our desk top up and running yet !) so I'll just post these pics even if some may be repeats. Too hard to multitask and open safari at the same time as writing a blogpost - the blogger app sometimes shuts down unexpectedly and I don't want to thumb-type this post all over again .

Before the Thanksgiving pics though, just a few recent ones ...

I have my diaper bag packed and bunny's car seat just arrived today, my labor bags for my labor coaches are ready, and we are all happily anticipating the arrival of Madison Faith. I can't wait to see her in person !!!!

And if my blog music were still playing, hopefully the verses would have been the background for the previous paragraphs and now would be the chorus again to accompany this picture and words ....

Hayden is weaned !!!! (DUH DUH DUH !!!! DUH DUH DUH !!!!)

He has been officially nye-nye free for a month now - he found that binkie at the bottom of his toy box and plopped it in his mouth for fun, but he has actually been binkie free for several years now too. 

I was so nervous that he would not be weaned before Bunny arrived, and I don't think I could have physically kept up with tandem nursing . I know there are some brave moms out there , but my hat is off to you ... one nursing child is enough for me . 

And Brother, I apologize for that last paragraph, I know breastfeeding talk grosses you out . But I do put up with your weekly commercials for Crossfit via email and text so ... payback. 

And I'll keep my flabby arms, thankyouverymuch. 

And now, the long overdue Rice Family Thanksgiving Vacation Pics 2015.

We rented a lake house with Jason and Naomi and Josiah and Monique and all three of their children and all of ours and the house was SO big that we all fit in it and had a blast ! 

Being a lake house, it sat right on a - wait for it - lake. There was a cool dock and swing and Caleb brought our inflatable kayak and had fun falling in the freezing water the first day we got there . Kenzie had fun doing a maternity shoot for a very pregnant Monique and even got in front of the camera herself a few times ...

Sam attended to his traditional Thanksgivng task - peeling and slicing four pounds of Granny Smith apples for the pie ...

All of the children, big and little, spent the days taking advantage of the beautiful sunshine and acre of land that the house sat on. It was such an amazing time away, and so rare for our older boys to be off at the same time. They both work at the hospital as EKG techs so scheduling typically doesn't permit this on the holidays ... it was so special having all of our family in one place for three days. 

It's Wednesday evening and time to get us all out the door for our midweek church service . I'll try to post our Christmas pictures this week as well, and hopefully by the time I get the blog caught up to January it will almost be time to do a birth post . 

Love you all, and thank you again for leaving such thoughtful comments on the previous post . Xoxox 
Daha yeni Daha eski

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