Our Bunny is here !!!!

Madison Faith arrived this afternoon at 3:36, three weeks early, weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces and measuring 17 and 3/4 inches long . She is doing wonderfully - nursing like a champ and other than needing a tiny bit of oxygen flow right now she is as healthy as can be .

This was my easiest labor and delivery yet and I cannot wait to write it all down and share how unbelievable the whole
experience was - everything we prayed for and then some . 

And we are so in love .

So so head over heels in love .

And it's 12:54 in the morning and guess what ?? I'm still not asleep !!!! Ha ha but this time it is not due to pregnancy insomnia but AFTER DELIVERY ADRENALINE !!! 

God is so faithful - I am on cloud nine hundred right now, because He is so very faithful . He helped me so much during this labor and I hardly felt any pain - and didn't even think about asking for medication. The pushing was wonderful and quick and easy and not even the teeniest bit of pain, and I'm being totally honest - I was surprised when she came out because there was almost no pressure. And I held our Bunny immediately and she was perfect and beautiful and did I mention how in love I am ?? 

Sam is snoring away beside me (labor is tough on daddies !!) and I am high on adrenaline and baby love but I really should try to sleep ... But YOU GUYS !! She is adorable . Seriously , too cute for words and I can't wait to post a little video and more pictures because you're going to fall in love with her too !!!

If you're on Instagram you can send a request to follow because there will be more pics there soon too (psalm127.5).

Going to try to sleep before Bunny needs to nurse again ... in the mean time THANK YOU for all the love and prayers and as always sweet comments - I literally felt you all praying for me this pregnancy and I am so grateful for your friendship and love . 

Be back soon with more details ...

Did I mention how in love we are ???? 


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